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Home > About ABS > Our Accessibility Commitment

The ABS Friction Accessible Customer Service Commitment:

ABS Friction is committed to ensuring all of our goods and any associated services are accessible to all of our customers.

We will strive at all times to provide an equivalent customer experience to those with disabilities, as we would to any other customer. We will utilize an alternate method of delivery when and as required to provide the same quality and timeliness of the customer experience.

ABS Friction will provide our goods and services while always respecting the dignity and independence of people with disabilities.

As we endeavour to improve accessibility for our customers with disabilities, we welcome your feedback on how we can improve.

Please contact us at hr@absfriction.com or call us at 519-763-9000 to share your feedback.

ABS Friction Inc., 55 Taggart Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1L 1M6

519.763.9000 | www.ABSfriction.com | sales@ABSfriction.com